Another good one! http://kelldar.com/flyingorientalalienlemurz
You guys certainly know how to make me laugh!
Ok, Mema’s. There’s really not much to tell. We watched Terminator 3 which was good. Something got Cath tickled that night, and while laughing she spilled her coke on the bed. So that’s where we said Cath peed on the bed.
On Monday, we all went to Wal-mart, to do some random shopping and stuff. We decided we needed to get a new game to play, since our LIFE game mysteriously disappeared from the house (“someone took our Life! the murderer!”) We hunted around and came across UNO cards. I hadn’t played UNO in years, so I was all for it. Buuuuuut besides regular UNO cards they also had… HARRY POTTER UNO CARDS!
But they only had one box of HP UNO cards. And it was ripped open. We looked in and the cards were still in their plastic baggies, so we got them. Well, we got them home and it turns out they had been water damaged. They were all warped and hard and weird. But the HP UNO was cool because it had special HP related cards and stuff. Yeah.
Anyway, that night, we played a game of UNO that went on for an hour and a half. I won it. Then later on, around 11, I guess, we started another game, and this one went on for TWO HOURS! We had to take a break eventually, and Cath went to the bathroom while we all stretched our backs, lol. Well, she came back, and we all got tickled about something again, and Cath was laughing like a hyena, and as she tried to sit down she fell, right on top of the cards, and just sat there laughing like crazy. We pushed off and got them back in order, and then we kept telling everybody that she peed on them, and that’s why they were water damaged. On Christmas Eve day when we kept telling everyone who played UNO with us that Cath had peed on the cards and that’s why they looked like that, and we grossed everybody out.
Anyway, another Cath story. She asked my uncle (who has a very large DVD collection and lets us borrow them all the time when we’re at Mema’s) if he had any foreign films. Well, the way she says “Foreign” is more like “forn.” Uncle Barry thought she asked him if he had any porn films. LMAO
(this is really funny to us because one time she DID rent a porn movie by mistake…)
Christmas Eve everybody came over and we had a little lunch. Daddy Bob made like, the best cheese dip I’ve ever had. We didn’t have our traditional ham/turkey/etc Christmas Eve lunch this year, it was meatballs and shrimp and cheese dip and sandwiches and stuff. It was weird.
So anyway, everything else I’ve already written about. So onto New Year’s.
Actually there’s not much to talk about on New Year’s. I think I’ve already said everything.
I’m about to make a picture post over on Livejournal. not a sketch journal post but my regular kellilla.livejournal.com one. NO I won’t make a link you’ll just have to figure out for yourself I’m too lazy blah